Lucid Builder v4

Lucid Builder LIF (Lucid Interchange Format) Files

Applies to Matrix key projects

Keys exported as LIF files from the Lucid2 Builder can be imported into the Lucid Builder using LIF (Lucid Interchange Format) files. A LIF file is a simple text file with sections for the different data elements (Feature and Entity lists, multistate and numeric score data, and multimedia attachments).


The LIF file includes references to the directories holding media (html and image files) for the original key. If you have moved the key after creating the LIF file, you may need to modify the path for each of the five media directories. Open the file in a standard text editor, search for "[..Multimedia Directories..]" and edit the media references, changing the path in each reference to an appropriate path for the folder that holds the media:

[..Multimedia Directories..]
Sounds "C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\Sounds\"
Images "C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\Images\"
Macros "C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\Macros\"
Text "C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\HTML\"
Video "C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\Video\"

Lucid Builder v4

Lucid Builder CSV (Common Separated Value) Files

Applies to Matrix key projects

CSV files are text files that hold the basic data for the key (feature and entity lists and multistate and numeric score data), with one row per state, and entities and their scores separated by commas. CSV files can be opened in many spreadsheet and database programs such as Microsoft Excel and Access. If you have data in an Excel file or database, you may structure the file into a format compatible with the Lucid CSV format (see below) and export as a CSV file for import into the Lucid Builder.

Download a test key (lucid v4) and its corresponding CSV to help see how they correspond to each other.

CSV Import Options

Lucid Builder Import CSV import dialog
Lucid Builder Import CSV import dialog.

File orientation

Entity columns

If selected, Entities are expected in the columns of the CSV file.

Feature/State Columns

If selected, Features/States are expected in the columns of the CSV file.

Import options

Merge existing scores

Scores contained within the CSV file will be merged with any existing scoring contained for the feature/state entity combination.

Replace existing scores

If selected, any matching feature and entity will have it’s scores removed and replaced with the scoring contained within the CSV file.

Export CSV Key

Lucid Builder Export CSV Key dialog
Lucid Builder Export CSV Key dialog.


Enter or browse for the destination CSV filename using the Browse button located to the right of the Filename text box. If the defined file name already exists within the file system you will need to confirm the file is to be overwritten when Export is selected.

Export Options

Transposed (entities as rows)

If selected, the CSV file that is output will have the Entities are rows, rather than the default Entities as columns.

Split Files

If your key is particularly large, or your version of Excel is quite old and doesn’t support the larger row and column counts now available, the you can tell the Builder to export the key across multiple CSV files based on the maximum rows and columns defined.

Maximum Rows

Maximum rows of data to be output into each CSV file.

Maximum Cols

Maximum columns to be output into each CSV file.

CSV Structure

The structure of a CSV file compatible with the Lucid Builder can be represented as follows:

CSV structure

Entity 1Entity 2Entity 3 ...etc
State 1ScoreScoreScore
State 2ScoreScoreScore
State 3 ...etcScoreScoreScore

Entities are represented using the full path name (colon-separated) of the entity in the entity tree. For example, if a key has the following entity hierarchy:

                Brassica oleracea
                Brassica juncea

The entity Brassica oleracea would be represented as:

Brassicaceae:Brassica:Brassica oleracea

States are represented using the full path name (colon-separated) of the state in the feature tree. For example, if a key has the following feature hierarchy:


The state white would be represented as:


For multistate features

The value of Score will be as follows:

0 – absent
1 – present
2 – rarely present
3 – uncertain
4 – present by misinterpretation
5 – rarely present by misinterpretation
6 – not scoped

For more information on the Lucid score values, see the topic About Lucid Scores

For numeric features

Numeric features are represented using the full path name (colon-separated) of the feature in the feature tree, suffixed with ‘#’. For example, if a key has the following feature hierarchy:


Where Length is a numeric feature, the feature Length would be represented as:


The value of Score is a string with five colon-separated values in the format:

Score Type: Rare Low Value: Low Value: High Value: Rare High Value

For more information on numeric values, see the topic Scoring Numeric Features.


Numeric measurement units are not supported by the CSV format and will need to be defined manually after import.

Importing and Exporting data from Excel

If you wish to exchange data between the Lucid Builder and Microsoft Excel via CSV, please note the following:

  • Only one worksheet may be imported at a time.
  • The first row must contain Entity names and the first column must contain feature:state names. Use colon-separated values to create trees of Features and Entities.
  • The first cell must be blank.
  • Excel worksheets can have a maximum 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns. The maximum characters supported within a column is 255 characters.
  • The CSV is UTF-8 encoded.


The fastest way to see what the Lucid CSV file looks like is to create a small key with a couple Features, States and Entities. Then export the key to CSV. Open the exported CSV file in Excel or your preferred text editor, such as Notepad++.

CSV Special Characters

If your CSV file contains special characters (e.g. non-Latin alphabet) and you wish to open it in Excel then you may need to do the following to open the CSV with the correct encoding:

  1. Start a new empty spreadsheet.
  2. Using the ‘Data’ menu. Select the ‘From Text/CSV’ option. Normally the second option on the toolbar as shown here:
    Lucid CSV file open in Excel - handling special characters.
    Lucid CSV file open in Excel – handling special characters.
  3. Browse for the CSV file. The import dialog should then show, and the correct encoding options should be detected and automatically selected as show here:
    Lucid CSV Excel automatic encoding detection.
    Lucid CSV Excel automatic encoding detection.
  4. Finally, click the ‘Load’ button. The CSV data should now appear correctly encoded in your spreadsheet.
Lucid Builder v4

Importing and Exporting

Lucid supports import and export via a number of file formats:

  • Lucid Interchange Format (LIF) files are simple, text-based files that are used to import keys from the Lucid Builder Version 2.

  • Lucid Interchange Format version 3 (LIF3) files are XML-based files that can store all Lucid key data, allowing you to back up your key or to exchange it with other key developers.

  • Lucid XML Dataset (XML Dataset) files are XML-based files that can store all Lucid key data. The primary use is for uploading key data to the Lucid Key Server Player application.

  • CSV (Comma separated Value) files are text files with data items separated by commas. CSV files are used to import and export key data between the Lucid Builder and spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, or databases such as Microsoft Access.

  • Media List files are XML-based files that contain entities and their associated media.

  • Simple text files can be used to import and export the feature and entity trees.

Lucid Builder Data Import and Export options

XML DatasetFull keyYESYES
CSVFeatures, entities, score dataYESYES
Media ListFeatures and Entity media referencesYESYES
TextFeatures and EntitiesYESYES

In addition, DELTA (Descriptive Language for Taxonomy) files can be imported into the Lucid Builder via LIF files created by the Lucid Translator, available from the Lucidcentral website. See the Lucidcentral topic Notes for DELTA Users for more information.

LIF (Lucid Interchange Format) Files

Keys exported as LIF files from the Lucid2 Builder can be imported into the Lucid3 Builder using LIF (Lucid Interchange Format) files. A LIF file is a simple text file with sections for the different data elements (feature and entity lists, multistate and numeric score data, and multimedia attachments).

Note: The LIF file includes references to the directories holding media (html and image files) for the original key. If you have moved the key after creating the LIF file, you may need to modify the path for each of the five media directories. Open the file in a standard text editor, search for “[..Multimedia Directories..]” and edit the media references, changing the path in each reference to an appropriate path for the folder that holds the media:

[..Multimedia Directories..]

Sounds “C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\Sounds\”

Images “C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\Images\”

Macros “C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\Macros\”

Text “C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\HTML\”

Video “C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\Video\”

LIF3 (Lucid Interchange Format version 3) Files

LIF3 files are xml documents containing all the data (feature and entity lists, item properties, score data and media attachments) for a key. LIF3 files can be used to back up keys, and for easily transferring keys from one computer to another.

Note: The LIF3 file for a key does not contain the key’s media, only references to where the media can be found. Therefore if you need to transfer a LIF3 file to another computer you should also copy the key’s media directories

You can do this by opening the LIF3 file in a standard text editor, searching “for media base_path”, and editing the path name of the Media directory. For example:


should be changed to:


where new_computer’s_path is the full path name including drive letter of the Media directory on the new computer.

CSV structure

Entity 1Entity 2Entity 3 ...etc
State 1ScoreScoreScore
State 2ScoreScoreScore
State 3 ...etcScoreScoreScore

Importing/Exporting Data

Lucid Builder Export Key dialog
Lucid Builder Export Key dialog.
To export a key, choose File > Export > Export Key from the menu, choose the file type and a location for the exported file, enter a name for the file and click Save. Flatten Entity Hierarchy – this option will covert the keys entity tree view into a flat list using List View names (edited or automatic). This is useful if preparing a key for the Lucid Mobile Platform, which doesn’t support tree view hierarchies or if you prefer a simpler entity list for a target user group. To export a feature or entity list, choose File > Export > Export Feature List or File > Export > Export Entity List from the menu. To import a key, choose File > Import > Import Key from the menu and browse for the appropriate file To import a feature or entity list, choose File > Import > Import Feature List or Import > Import Entity List from the menu and browse for the file.