Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Watermark Manager

Watermark Images Manager Interface
Watermark Images Manager Interface

The Image Watermark Manager allows you to define all the images you wish to use as watermarks. Once you have selected an image as a watermark you can set preferred default settings for the watermark image if it is used within your fact sheet images. This can save having to define watermark image settings on an image by image basis. These default settings can then be overridden if desired.

Accessing the watermark manager can be done via the main interface by the Edit…Watermarks (Ctrl+W), or wherever you see the Watermark Manager icon (Watermark Manager button) on a toolbar.

Adding and Removing an Image

Add and Delete buttons
For this, you can use the Add and Remove image buttons on the toolbar. When removing an image, select it within the watermark image list then select delete. If the watermark image has been used within the fact sheets then it will automatically be removed from the image.

Watermark Image List

The image list displays all of the images that have been selected as watermark images. Selecting an image in the list will cause the watermark image settings to be loaded


The Tag field is a way to label your watermark image. By default, the image file name is used as the tag, but can be changed to whatever you desire.

Transparency Options

Watermark image transparency options
Watermark image transparency options

When selecting an image as a watermark you can select an image that supports a transparent alpha channel. For example, PNGs and GIFs. You can also select other types of images as watermarks, for example a Bitmap. If your image doesn’t support an alpha channel, you will need to define the color you wish to be come transparent when it’s applied as a watermark. Click the select button and choose the color.


Watermark Image color selection dialog
Watermark Image color selection dialog

If your watermark image doesn’t support an alpha channel then you will need to define the color you wish to use. During the application of the watermark this color will be erased.  You can use browse for a color or enter the Red, Green, Blue color values. Alternatively you can enter a HTML color value:

Watermark Image transparency HTML color code
Watermark Image transparency HTML color code


Use the Reset button to clear the color selection. This defaults back to the use of an Alpha channel.

Transparency Level

The sets how transparent the watermark image is. The transparency level can be set from 1 – 99%. The higher the value the more transparent the watermark image will be.

Size Options

Image watermark size options
Image watermark size options

Fixed size (or Longest side) option

The Fixed size (or Longest side) option allows you to define the equivalent of a virtual square box in which the watermark is resized when applied to the destination image. If a fixed size is defined, it will take precedence over other sizing options.

Size watermark image as a percentage of the destination image

You can define the size of the watermark image as a percentage of the destination image.


A watermark image will not be resized beyond its original dimensions regardless of the sizing option selected. It will also not be set greater than the size of the destination image.


Image Watermark position options
Image Watermark position options

Preset Positions

This allows you to quickly set the watermark image in relation to the destination image. The preset position works in conjunction with the size option when calculating where to set the watermark image.

XY positioning

You can define an X & Y coordinate to determine where the top left of the watermark image is positioned in the destination image.


To keep your watermark images settings click on the Save button. If you haven’t selected to save prior to closing the Watermark Manager you will be reminded to Save.

Save Image Watermark settings dialog
Save Image Watermark settings dialog
Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Main Toolbar

Fact Sheet Fusion main toolbar
Fact Sheet Fusion main toolbar

Preview buttonPreview

The preview button automatically exports the selected entity as a fact sheet using the current export settings. Once the export has completed, the fact sheet will be loaded into the default web browser or PDF reader (depending on the export output type). If the minimum export settings have not yet been entered the export dialog will be automatically opened. The export settings then need to be adjusted before the preview can be completed.

Export buttonExport

The Export button will open the Export dialog allowing you to adjust the various export settings and perform a full export your fact sheets. See the Export help topic for further information on exporting fact sheets.

Glossary buttonGlossary Manager

The Glossary Manager button opens the Glossary Manager dialog allowing you to enter glossary sets, terms and definitions for your fact sheets. See the Glossary Manager help topic for further information.

Media Manager buttonMedia Manager

The Media Manager button will open the Media Manager dialog where you can add, edit and remove media associated with the fact sheets. See the Media Manager help topic for further information.

Watermark Manager buttonImage Watermark Manager

The Image Watermark Manager button opens the Image Watermark Manager dialog where you can manage the image watermarks and their default settings for your project. See the Image Watermark Manager help topic for further information.