Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Installing Templates


Fact Sheet Fusion templates are based on the following Internet standards called XML and XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) and XSLT (XSL Transformations).

The following is not a tutorial on XML or XSLT. For further information on these standards please see the World Wide Web Consortium’s website

A Fact Sheet Fusion template consists of the following components:

  • Template Settings Document
  • Style Sheets
  • JavaScripts
  • Template interface images
  • XSLT documents

Here is a screen shot of a typical template folder:

Screen shot of a typical template folder structure
Screen shot of a typical template folder structure

Each of these elements are described below.

Template Settings document

The fsf_template_settings.xml document is an XML description of the template that contains all the settings and recommendations associated with a template. The template author provides this along with the template.

The Template Settings document must be called ‘fsf_template_settings.xml‘, UTF-8 encoded and well formed. Each Template must contain a unique name.

The following example Template Settings document content contains all available options:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FSF_Template name="Lucid Mobile Template" version="1.0">
    <Author>Fact Sheet Fusion</Author>
    <Description>This template has been specifically designed to export fact sheets for the Lucid Mobile application. The output uses very simple HTML tags to enable translation of the content in to the Lucid mobile format. It contains no CSS or additional template files such as JavaScript or images. Please note: The Lucid Mobile application doesn't support within the fact sheet complex objects such as image, videos or tables. Any associated media with the fact sheet are output separately and associated with the entities in the corresponding Lucid key via the Media List export file.</Description>
        <Video format="webm">450</Video>

For more information on template settings see the Template Settings dialog.

Style Sheets

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the rules that define the look and formatting of document written in markup language (E.g. HTML based fact sheets). Style sheets save you from having to apply styles and formatting to every text element during data entry. A template can have one or more style sheets associated with it. They are normally located in the CSS folder and have a .css file extension.


If you define in-line styles within your Topic text this will override the templates style sheet. This is why the HTML editor within Fact Sheet Fusion limits these options (e.g. Selecting font types or editing options for in-line styles). Pasting content from MS Word is a common example where in-line styles will be copied to maintain the exact look within the Word document, however this isn't recommended as they override the style sheets. See Clean HTML option for further information on dealing with content pasted from MS Office applications.


JavaScript is the programming language of the Web. JavaScript enables options and functionality not available in regular mark-up languages such as HTML. It is commonly used for interactive content, validation among many other uses.
Template JavaScripts are normally located in the js folder and have a file extension of .js.

Template Interface Images

Any images that are used in the template design and layout are normally stored with the fs_images folder. For example, a template may use an image for a banner across the top of the fact sheet. This would normally be located here. If you wish to customize an interface image it is recommended that you make a copy of the template (folder) and customize this new edition to preserve the original template. You should take note of the image dimensions and file name as these are often referenced in the template style sheet.

XSLT Documents

The XSLT documents are where all the hard work of determining how the content of the fact sheet should be output. A Fact Sheet Fusion template may be comprised of one or more XSLT documents. If the template supports the output of an Index and glossary then it will have a minimum of three templates (described below). Fact Sheet Fusion Template documents must be located in the ‘fs_template‘ folder.

template.xsl – This XSLT document is responsible for the Entity fact sheets. It may reference additional XLST documents.

index.xsl – This XSLT document is responsible for the Index page. It may reference additional XLST documents.

glossary.xsl – This XSLT document is responsible for the Glossary page. It may reference additional XLST documents.

The above three XSLT documents must be named as described. Additional referenced XSLT documents can be named as desired. Fact Sheet Fusion XSLT documents also supports additional Script languages such as C# and Visual Basic. For example:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xsl:stylesheet version='1.0' xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt"
    xmlns:local="urn:local" extension-element-prefixes="msxsl">
    <msxsl:script language="CSharp" implements-prefix="local">
        public string CopyrightYear()
            return DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy");
    <xsl:template name="copyright">
        <!-- BEGIN COPYRIGHT -->
        <div class="copyright">
      Copyright &#169; <xsl:value-of select="local:CopyrightYear()" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>. All rights reserved.
    <div id="button-previousnext"></div>
        <!-- END COPYRIGHT -->

Testing a Template

If you have created your own template or customized an existing one you can test out the template either by trying to export via the Export dialog or by exporting your content as XML and loading one of the XML pages in Internet Explorer. Any errors in the template should be reported in the browser.

If you export your template via the Export dialog errors maybe reported via a message box (if serious) or logged to the Fact Sheet Fusion log file. Always check the log file if your template is not exporting the expected result. See the Fact Sheet Fusion log file for more information on this topic.

Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Template Settings

Template Settings dialog
Template Settings dialog

The Template settings dialog gives additional information about the selected template. The template author provides information about the features the template supports to help decide on the best export options.

As you can see in the example above the Recommended Settings section outlines image sizes and the supported features and formats of the template.


These are recommended settings, you can try additional options in the export dialog to see if you get a good result, for example a template may not have been designed specifically to support PDF output, but often the output will be acceptable.

If the template has an associated web page you may want to click on this to check what the template may look like and if there are any additional instructions or updates available.

View template folder

The View template folder button will open the selected template folder in Windows Explorer. This is useful if you like a template but wish to customize it. It is recommended that you make a copy of the template folder and customize this edition.


If you copy a template for customizing you must edit the fsf_template_settings.xml file in your preferred text editor and adjust the name of the template to be unique.

Use recommended settings

This option will apply all the recommended settings to the export dialog. If applied these settings will override any previous related settings already made in the Export dialog. You will receive a warning message regarding this prior to the settings being applied.

Use Template Recommended Settings confirmation dialog
Use Template Recommended Settings confirmation dialog
Fact Sheet Fusion v2


Fact Sheet Fusion templates are based on the following Internet standards called XML and XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) and XSLT (XSL Transformations).

The following is not a tutorial on XML or XSLT. For further information on these standards please see the World Wide Web Consortium’s website

A Fact Sheet Fusion template consists of the following components:

  • Template Settings Document
  • Style Sheets
  • JavaScripts
  • Template interface images
  • XSLT documents

Here is an example of a screen shot of a typical template folder:

Screen shot of a typical template folder structure
Screen shot of a typical template folder structure

Each of these elements are described below.

Template Settings document

The fsf_template_settings.xml document is an XML description of the template that contains all the settings and recommendations associated with a template. The template author provides this along with the template.

The Template Settings document must be called ‘fsf_template_settings.xml‘, UTF-8 encoded and well formed. Each Template must contain a unique name.

The following example of a Template Settings document that illustrates all available options:

Fact Sheet Fusion
This template has been specifically designed to export fact sheets for the Lucid Mobile application. The output uses very simple HTML tags to enable translation of the content in to the Lucid mobile format. It contains no CSS or additional template files such as JavaScript or images. Please note: The Lucid Mobile application doesn’t support within the fact sheet complex objects such as image, videos or tables. Any associated media with the fact sheet are output separately and associated with the entities in the corresponding Lucid key via the Media List export file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FSF_Template name="Lucid Mobile Template" version="1.0">
    <Author>Fact Sheet Fusion</Author>
    <Description>This template has been specifically designed to export fact sheets for the Lucid Mobile application. The output uses very simple HTML tags to enable translation of the content in to the Lucid mobile format. It contains no CSS or additional template files such as JavaScript or images. Please note: The Lucid Mobile application doesn't support within the fact sheet complex objects such as image, videos or tables. Any associated media with the fact sheet are output separately and associated with the entities in the corresponding Lucid key via the Media List export file.</Description>
        <Video format="webm">450</Video>

For more information on template settings see the Template Settings dialog.

Style Sheets

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the rules that define the look and formatting of a document written in markup language (E.g. HTML based fact sheets). Style sheets save you from having to apply styles and formatting to every text element during data entry. A template can have one or more style sheets associated with it. They are normally located in the CSS folder and have a .css file extension.


If you define in-line styles within your Topic text this will override the templates style sheet. This is why the HTML editor within Fact Sheet Fusion limits these options (e.g. Selecting font types or editing options for in-line styles). Pasting content from MS Word is a common example where in-line styles are copied to maintain the exact look within the Word document, however this isn't recommended as these Word document styles override the style sheets. See Clean HTML option for further information on dealing with content pasted from MS Office applications.


JavaScript is the programming language of the Web. JavaScript enables options and functionality not available in regular mark-up languages such as HTML. It is commonly used for interactive content, such as validation and many other uses.
Template JavaScripts are normally located in the js folder and have a file extension of .js.

Template Interface Images

Any images that are used in the template design and layout are normally stored with the fs_images folder. For example, a template may use an image for a banner across the top of the fact sheet. This would normally be located here. If you wish to customize an interface image it is recommended that you make a copy of the template (folder) and customize this new edition while preserving the original template. You should take note of the image dimensions and file name as these are often referenced in the template style sheet.

XSLT Documents

The XSLT documents are where all the hard work of determining how the content of the fact sheet should be output. A Fact Sheet Fusion template may be comprised of one or more XSLT documents. If the template supports the output of an Index and glossary then it will have a minimum of three templates (described below). Fact Sheet Fusion Template documents must be located in the ‘fs_template‘ folder.

template.xsl – This XSLT document is responsible for the Entity fact sheets. It may reference additional XLST documents.

index.xsl – This XSLT document is responsible for the Index page. It may reference additional XLST documents.

glossary.xsl – This XSLT document is responsible for the Glossary page. It may reference additional XLST documents.

The above three XSLT documents must be named as described. Additional referenced XSLT documents can be named as desired. Fact Sheet Fusion XSLT documents also supports additional Script languages such as C# and Visual Basic. For example, the following XSLT shows a simple C# procedure to get the current year for use in the copyright statement:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xsl:stylesheet version='1.0' xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt"
    xmlns:local="urn:local" extension-element-prefixes="msxsl">
    <msxsl:script language="CSharp" implements-prefix="local">
        public string CopyrightYear()
            return DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy");
    <xsl:template name="copyright">
        <!-- BEGIN COPYRIGHT -->
        <div class="copyright">
      Copyright &#169; <xsl:value-of select="local:CopyrightYear()" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>. All rights reserved.
    <div id="button-previousnext"></div>
        <!-- END COPYRIGHT -->

Testing a Template

If you have created your own template or customized an existing one you can test out the template either by trying to export via the Export dialog or by exporting your content as XML and loading one of the XML pages in Internet Explorer. Any errors in the template should be reported in the browser.

If you export your template via the Export dialog errors maybe reported via a message box (if serious) or logged to the Fact Sheet Fusion log file. Always check the log file if your template is not exporting the expected result. See the Fact Sheet Fusion log file for more information on this topic.

Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Export – Media Override Options

Media Override options found within the main fact sheet export dialog
Media Override options found within the main fact sheet export dialog

Within the Export dialog the Topics tabEntities tab and Glossary tab have media override options associated with them. These options allow you to set specific media options for these items to, override the global options set within the Template tab of the export dialog, or override the properties set on the media item within the Media Manager or on individual derived settings of media items.

Include media marked Excluded

Selecting this option will override any media marked as excluded and include it in the export.

Exclude media marked Review

This option will allow you to exclude any media marked for Review from the export.

Default Watermark Image


Default image watermark options
Default image watermark options

You can set a default watermark image to be applied to all images (associated with either Topics, Entities or the Glossary), using the default watermark image settings. To view or modify the selected watermark settings click on the Image Watermark Manager button (Watermark Manager button). The image watermark will only be applied to images that don’t already have image watermark settings defined, unless overridden by the Ignore individual image watermark settings option (outlined below).

Ignore individual image watermark settings (override with default)


Default image watermark override option
Default image watermark override option

If selected, all individually applied image watermark settings applied to images will be ignored in favor of the default image watermark selected above.

Default Text Watermark Options

As with the default image watermark option, selecting this option will cause a default text watermark to be applied to all images during export, that don’t already have text watermark settings applied to them. The default text watermark can be applied to all images (associated with Topics, Entities or the Glossary), overriding individual image settings by applying the Ignore individual text watermark settings (override with default) outlined further below.

Watermark Text – Enter the text you wish to use as the watermark.

Preset Text Position – There are nine preset positions where the text watermark can be placed on the image. If a preset position is selected this will take precedence over a manually set position (see Position property below).

Position – The position property allows you to set an X & Y pixel coordinate in relation to the watermark text and the image. The text watermark will be positioned from its top left at the defined XY coordinates. Setting this property is often easier via the Image viewer as it will dynamically preview the watermark as the properties are changed. See the Image Viewer help topic for more information on this. The Position value will be overridden by the Preset Text Position if selected.

Text Watermark Color – Define the color of the text watermark.

Drop Shadow – Applies a drop shadow to the text watermark. The drop shadow can add more definition to the text making it clearer on the image it is applied to.

Font – Define the font type and size you prefer for the text watermark.

Text watermark Transparency – The transparency level of the text watermark determines how much of the underlying image shows through the text watermark. The transparency level can be between 1 and 100. The lower the value the more transparent the text will be. If the value is set too low the text may be very difficult to see in the main image. Setting a value of 100 means no transparency will be added to the text watermark.

Auto Size – The auto size option automatically sizes the font based on the size of the image it’s being applied to and the position that has been selected.

Ignore individual text watermark settings (override with default)

Selecting this option will override individual image settings and apply the default text watermark to all images.

Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Export – Advanced Options

Export dialog Advanced Options tab
Export dialog Advanced Options tab

Define alternative Media Store location

Normally when a Fact Sheet Fusion database is exported, all media is stored within an Assets folder within the selected Destination folder, as defined in the Templates Tab of the Export dialog. As shown below.


However, under certain circumstances, it is desirable to choose another location for the media. For example, if fact sheets are destined for the Lucid Builder, it is preferable to export the media to the key’s Images folder, rather than to the Html folder. This will save doubling up media when it is to be attached to the Lucid key.

If an alternative location for the media store is defined, then relative paths within the fact sheets will be created to this location, unless the alternative location is defined on another hard drive. In the case of defining another hard drive absolute paths will be created. This is not recommended as it will require the same drive and folder location to be available, if the fact sheets are moved.

Media List

Media List Export options
Media List Export options

The Media List is an XML file containing a listing of all exported fact sheets and their associated media items. You can select the export Media List check box prior to clicking the main Export button, in which case it will be included as a part of the main export process. Alternatively, you can export a media list without having to perform a full export by selecting the Media List Export button. It is also possible to export a media list while the main export is running. The Media List will then be added to the export jobs in process.

The HTML Caption is the label you wish to give the fact sheets within the Media List. Applications that use this list apply this caption when attaching the fact sheet within their data structures. For example, when Lucid imports from a Media List file it attaches the fact sheet and stores the HTML Caption, which is used within the Lucid Player Fact sheet menu. Normally this is why ‘Fact Sheet’ is an appropriate HTML Caption, though you can also use the Entity Name token [Entity]. This token will be replaced with the actual entity name during the Media List creation.


Site Map Options within the Advanced tab of the main fact sheet export dialog
Site Map Options within the Advanced tab of the main fact sheet export dialog

Fact Sheet Fusion can create an XML based sitemap that can provide search engines and other webcrawlers about your content. The XML sitemap is not designed for human readers, the index page is the human equivalent of the sitemap.

For more information on sitemaps and their use please see

Update Frequency

Set how often you think you may update the fact sheet content. This will let the search engine know how often it should come back and re-index your content.

URL Address

The URL address is the planned location on your website where the exported content will be copied. This should be the full internet address as shown in the example ‘’. Using this example, it is be assumed that the exported content was copied to a root folder on the web server called ‘fact_sheets’.


After the exported content has been copied to the web server you should check that this URL address information is correct, otherwise the search engine could potentially not find the content and so may rank your site lower within its search results.


The priority of URLs relative to other URLs on your web site. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. (Default value is 0.5). This value does not affect how your pages are compared to pages on other sites—it only lets the search engines know which pages you deem most important for the crawlers.

Index Priority

Due to the nature of the index page and its links across to all other fact sheets it is recommended that the index page should have a higher priority than the fact sheets. The Force include option will include a reference to the index page, even if the index page has been excluded from the current export options.

Glossary Priority

Select the desired priority for your glossary page. The Force include option will include a reference to the glossary page, even if the glossary page has been excluded from the current export options.

Fact Sheet Priority

Select the desired priority for the fact sheets. Normally the default 0.5 is fine for this option.


Check the Export site map checkbox if you want the sitemap created as a part of the main export process. You may also export the Sitemap separately from the main export process by clicking on the export button within the sitemap options. You can also select to export the sitemap during the main export process by clicking on the export button. This will add the sitemap creation task to the list of export jobs currently underway.

JavaScript Entity Array

JavaScript Entity Array export options within the Advanced tab of the main fact sheet export dialog
JavaScript Entity Array export options within the Advanced tab of the main fact sheet export dialog

Often it is useful to have a JavaScript containing an array of the Entities, particularly in more sophisticated export templates. The JavaScript array can be used in other JavaScript’s, for example, providing navigation between fact sheets or searches etc. To take full advantage of this option, the export template must support it. You can check if your selected template supports this option via the Template Settings dialog.

Check the Export JavaScript (Previous and Next) Entity List checkbox if you want the JavaScript Entity Array created as a part of the main export process. You may also export the JavaScript Entity Array separately from the main export process by clicking on the export button within the JavaScript Entity Array options. You can also select to export the JavaScript Entity Array during the main export process by clicking on the export button. This will add the JavaScript Entity Array creation task to the list of export jobs currently underway.

Safe Export Options

Safe Export Options within the Advanced tab of the main fact sheet export dialog
Safe Export Options within the Advanced tab of the main fact sheet export dialog

These export options are normally reserved for specialised uses or destinations such as exporting for a mobile platform. Or they can be used simply to generate ‘cleaner’ filenames.

Limit filename length to 100 max – Selecting this option will automatically reduce any filenames for HTML pages, PDFs or images to 100 characters.

Lowercase filenames – All filenames output during export will be in lowercase.

Safe filename characters – All filenames exported will consist of a limited range of standard ASCII characters (a-zA-Z0-9_.). Spaces within a filename will be converted to underscores. This option is not recommend for languages that do not use this character set.

Google Analytics Code

Google Analytics is a popular (and free) choice for tracking the use of your website content. After you have signed up for a Google Analytics account and entered your website details you will be given a Google Analytics site code. Enter this code into the box. If the code is present during the export process the Google Analytics JavaScript, containing your code, will be automatically applied to each fact sheet.

For more information on Google Analytics please see


Do not enter the Google Analytics JavaScript into the text box, only the tracking code. This tracking code should be in the following format: UA-XXXX-Y

Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Export – Glossary Options

Export dialog Glossary tab
Export dialog Glossary tab

Create Glossary

If selected, a glossary page will be created listing Glossary Sets and their associated terms. 


This assumes that the selected Export Template supports Glossary creation.

Intercross-link Glossary

Often glossary terms are used within the definition of other glossary terms. If this option is selected, glossary terms are cross-linked, allowing users to easily jump between terms or to view a glossary term definition, via a Glossary Pop-up.

Cross-link Entities within Glossary

If selected, any Entity names used within the glossary will be cross-linked back to their corresponding fact sheet.

Use Glossary Pop-ups

If selected, this option will add an additional class name to the glossary cross-links. This can then be used by an Export Template JavaScript, if supported, to create a tool tip box containing the terms’ definitions, when the mouse hovers over the link.

Include Terms marked as Excluded

This option allows you to override any glossary terms that have been marked for exclusion within the Glossary Manager.

Exclude Terms marked Review

This option allows you to exclude any terms that have been marked for Review in the Glossary Manager.

Exclude Glossary Sets

By default Glossary Sets are exported, unless marked as excluded by this export option. To exclude the Glossary Set check (tick) the corresponding box on the left hand side of the Glossary Set name.

Media Override Options

Please see the Media Override Options for further information on this topic.

Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Export – Entity Options

Export Entity Options tab
Export Entity Options tab

Create Entity Index

If selected, an index page that lists all exported entities will be created. The page will be an index.htm (.pdf or .xml depending on the export type). Within the index page each entity listed will link to it’s corresponding fact sheet.*


* This assumes the export template you have selected supports the creation of an index page.

Include Alternative Names

Entities may have alternative names associated with them. If this is the case you can also have Alternate Names listed within the index page. They will be treated exactly the same as a regular entity name and will contain a link to the corresponding Entity fact sheet they are associated with – i.e. the main Entity named fact sheet. For example, you may have an Entity called Acacia that has Wattle and Thorn tree as Alternative Names. The index will contain all three names and they will all link to the same fact sheet called Acacia.

Include Media

If selected, any media associated with the Entity will also be listed within the index, if the selected export template supports this.

Include Entities marked as Excluded

Select this option if you wish to include all Entities that have been marked to be excluded from the export.

Exclude Entities marked Review

By default, Entities marked for review are included in the export. However you can excluded these entities by selecting this option.

Index second part of Entity Name

Forces the entity sort order for the index page creation to use the second part of the entity label (if available). If you are dealing with scientific names as your entities and are creating fact sheets for a few or single genera, the index A…Z shortcuts can become superfluous.

For example, you were creating fact sheets for Eucalypts, which have over 800 species all starting with ‘Eucalyptus’, the Index A…Z shortcut menu would only be active for ‘e’ leaving the user to scroll through hundreds of species to find what’s of interest. This option allows you to sort the Index based on the second text element of the entity name, if it’s available. This generally will allow for a greater spread of names within the Index A…Z shortcut menu.

Include Inter-crosslink Entities in Topics

If selected, Fact Sheet Fusion will automatically create cross-links (hyperlinks) to Entity names it finds within the topic text.

Automatic abbreviated binomials

Often when scientific names are written they are abbreviated. For example, Escherichia coli is often referred to as E. coli. Fact Sheet Fusion can automatically look for these abbreviated names when creating cross-links. Therefore there is no need to enter the abbreviated name as an alternative name.

Include Alternative Names

Fact Sheet Fusion can also look for alternative names when cross-linking content. Cross-links on alternative names always link back to the Entity named fact sheet.

Override Inter-crosslinking exclusions

Using this option you can override topics that have been set to exclude cross-linking.

Inter-crosslink Glossary in Topics

If selected, Fact Sheet Fusion will cross-link on any glossary terms that are found within the Topic text.

Glossary cross-linking limit

By default, Fact Sheet Fusion will cross link on every instance of a found glossary term with the the topic text. The Glossary Cross-linking limit option allows you reduce the number of times a term is cross linked within the topic text to either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Unlimited (Default).


If you have elected to limit the glossary term crosslinker, it will match first on exact matches, including case sensitivity.

For example, if you have a Glossary Term 'tree' with the following topic text and the limiter set to one (1):

"Tree is 60-70m tall. Seedlings of this tree have completely different leaves."
The glossary crosslinker will apply the crosslink as follows (yellow hightlight):
"Tree is 60-70m tall. Seedlings of this tree have completely different leaves."
Notice how the captialized first instance of 'Tree' isn't crosslinked due to the limit and an exact match being found within the text.

Override Glossary Cross-linking exclusions

If selected, any glossary terms that have been marked to be excluded from cross-linking will be overridden and the glossary link included.

Include Entities marked as Excluded

This option forces the inclusion of Entities that have been marked as Excluded from the export process. These Entities will have a fact sheet generated during the export process.

Exclude Entities marked Review

This option excludes any Entities marked as Review from having a fact sheet created during the export process.

Default Author

Optional. Enter the name or names of the default Author/(s). This information can be included in the META data within the fact sheet’s Head tags, if the selected export template supports this.


The Default Author field allows for token replacement. E.g. [EntityName] and [Topic:].

Default Description

Optional. Enter the default text for the fact sheet description META tag, if the template supports it.


If the description field is set on an individual entity this will take precedents over the default description text.


The Default Description field allows for token replacement. E.g. [EntityName] and [Topic:].

Only Include Subsets

If entity subsets have been defined in the project these can be selected to limit the export to those entities contained within the subset(s).


Limiting entities via subsets will effect entity cross linking (if selected) and the creation of the index page (again if selected) as they will be limited to the entities found in the subset(s).

Media Override Options

See the Media Override Options for further information on this topic.

Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Export – Topic Options

Export Topic options tab
Export Topic options tab

Include Topics marked Excluded

If you have marked certain Topics to be excluded from the export process, you can override this setting by selecting the Include Topics marked Excluded.

Media Override options.

See the Media Override Options help topic for further information.

Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Export – Template Options

Export Dialog Template tab
Export Dialog Template tab

The Template tab contains a minimum set of options required to begin exporting.

To begin with, select a fact sheet template from the drop down list. All installed templates will be listed within the drop down.

Template Settings

The template settings provide you details on the selected template. It also outlines the recommended settings for the template, which can be automatically applied.


Select a destination folder for your exported fact sheets. It is recommended that you choose an empty folder to ensure you can see exactly what is exported if you need to copy the fact sheets to a web server or some other destination. To select an export destination folder select the file browser button.

 Exporting will overwrite any existing fact sheets or media of the same name in the destination folder.

Export File Types

You can select one or more export formats for your fact sheets.


The fact sheets will be exported in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) format. The HTML export structure will look like that shown below, within the destination folder:



The fact sheets will be exported in Portable Document Format (PDF). All of the fact sheets and associated images are embedded within the PDF file, rather than being exported to a separate folder and referenced.

PDF Settings

PDF Output setting dialog
PDF Output setting dialog

There are a number of additional settings for PDF export. All settings will be saved automatically when the dialog is closed.

Paper size

All paper sizes supported by your operating system will be loaded into the paper size drop down list.

Paper orientation

The paper orientation can be set to either Portrait or Landscape.

Color mode

Output the PDF in either Color or Grey scale.

Output mode

Most templates have style definitions for how the fact sheet should look both on screen and in print. Normally if you are selecting to export to PDF you may prefer to select print definitions, rather than screen definitions, though the choice will depend on personal preference and the template design.

Output DPI

The output DPI you define depends on the quality you wish to print at. For example it is common for printers to support 300 DPI or higher, however it is not always necessary to output at this level to achieve a good print result. The higher the DPI output the larger the file size.

Compress PDF

If selected the PDF will be internally compressed using ZIP.

Page Margins

Allow you define the amount of empty space around the edge (margin) of the document.


This option exports the fact sheets in eXtensible Markup Language (XML). The output folder structure will be the same as the HTML export.

Media Options

The media options defined in the Template tab are global in nature. They apply to all images associated with the fact sheets, glossary and index.


Exporting media is the most expensive computing operation of the export process. If media has already been exported, and the only changes made are to the text portion of the fact sheet (i.e. Topic text), export will be much faster if the skip media option is selected.

Force overwrite media

This option will cause the media to be output, even if it already exists in the destination folder.

Skip media export

Selecting this option will stop the media from being exported. This can be useful if you have already exported the media previously and have only changed the text of a fact sheet.

Scale regular images

If selected, you will need to define a preferred image size in pixels. During export, all images greater than this dimension will be resized. Non web friendly formats such as Bitmaps and TIFFs will be converted to the JPEG format.


Regular images are normally not shown directly in a fact sheet due to their size. They are usually accessed by clicking on the thumbnail version, which then opens the regular sized image for display. How the regular image is accessed and displayed depends on the export template you select.

Scale thumbnail images

If selected, you will need to define a preferred size for the thumbnail images. The images will be scaled to this dimension during the export process.


Watermark options are not applied to thumbnail images.

Image compression

Image compression involves a balance between image quality and size, since the compression process discards image information. Less compression means a higher quality image, while selecting more compression can mean a small file size but pixelated, blurry images. For most purposes, a compression level between 60-90 will be suitable. Only image formats that support compression, such as JPEG, will have compression applied.

Below is an example of extreme compression (poor quality) vs low compression (high quality).

Low quality (extreme) image example

High quality image example

Very high compression, but low quality image example
File size: 2 Kilobytes.
Very low compression, but high quality image example
File size: 23 Kilobytes.

Both images are 200 pixels wide by 145 pixels high at 96 DPI (dots per inch).

Export Options

Fact Sheet Fusion uses a technique called multi-threading to perform the export tasks. This can be likened to breaking down the export job into hundreds (or thousands) of individual tasks, then employing multiple workers to perform these tasks at the same time. This is particularly useful under modern computer architecture that employs multiple CPU cores and large memory spaces. The number of threads (workers) has been limited to 100, even though normally many more threads are available. Any more and the export tasks may overwhelm the operating system, making it unresponsive to other tasks it might be doing, such as checking emails…

During the export process Fact Sheet Fusion will report the number of export jobs it has started and update the number that are remaining as it completes the export process, along with an estimated time to complete.

To begin the export process, click the Export button. Prior to the export beginning a minimum set of options need to defined, such as the export template, export destination and the export type (HTML, PDF and/or XML). If you have not met the minimum export requirements these options will be highlighted in the export dialog.

The screen shot above shows the Export process in action.
The screen shot above shows the Export process in action.

During export it is possible to abort the Export process. To do so, click the Abort button. Fact Sheet Fusion will confirm that you wish to abort before it stops all current export threads (workers).

Abort Export confirmation dialog
Abort Export confirmation dialog
Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Exporting Fact Sheets

The screen shot above shows the Export process in action.
The screen shot above shows the Export process in action.

Once you have finished entering your data and media for the fact sheets it is time to export. The export dialog has many options to customize the fact sheets. Each set of related options have been grouped under tabs within the export dialog.