Fact Sheet Fusion v2

The Fact Sheet Fusion Interface

Main Fact Sheet Fusion Interface without data
Main Fact Sheet Fusion Interface without data

Components of a fact sheet

A fact sheet is usually comprised of headings, text and multimedia. Fact Sheet Fusion is designed to create standardized fact sheets; by this we mean that each fact sheet has a similar look and feel in its design and each fact sheet is built using a common set (or subset) of topic headings.

To develop a Fact Sheet Fusion project a list of topic headings is entered along with a list of entities*. For each entity, text is entered for each topic heading, and these topic headings, along with corresponding text, are integrated for each entity when being transformed into the final fact sheet.

* An entity is the object for which the fact sheet is being created. An entity can be anything such as an insect, fish or plant species, a medical disorder, or any other series of objects that are described according to specific topics.

To make a fact sheet more informative images, and other media (videos, sounds, PDF, Office documents) can be linked to entities. These images are then included with the text at the time of fact sheet creation.

The presentation and structure of a fact sheet is determined by the specific template the user selects. The template dictates every aspect of the fact sheet such as the layout, color scheme, the positioning of topics and images, font sizes etc.

See Templates help topic for further information.

For help on the elements of the main interface see:

Closing the Main Editing Interface

Closing the main editing interface will return you to the databases available projects. From there you can elect to open another project or open a different database.

Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Fusion Projects

A Fact Sheet Fusion project is held within a Fusion Database. There may be one or many projects contained within a Fusion database. A fusion database is where all the data is held necessary for creating fact sheets.

Fact Sheet Fusion Project dialog
Fact Sheet Fusion Project dialog

Add buttonCreating a Project

Adding a new project example
Adding a new project example

To create a new project, type its name into the project name text box, then click the add button. When typing the project name any invalid characters will be removed and the project name limited to a maximum of 256 characters. You will receive a confirmation message once the project has been created.

New Fusion project created confirmation
New Fusion project created confirmation

Once the project has been created it will be listed in the current projects list.

Newly created project listed in the current projects list
Newly created project listed in the current projects list

Open project buttonOpening a Project

To open an existing project within the selected Fusion database click on the open icon.

Update/save buttonRenaming a Project

To rename a project, double click on the project name, edit the project name, then click on the update icon.

Import buttonImporting into a Project

To import an older fusion database (version 1) click on the import icon for the desired project. See Importing version 1 fusion databases for more information.

Delete buttonDeleting a Project

A project can be deleted by selecting the delete icon for that project. You will be warned prior to the deletion.

Delete project confirmation dialog
Delete project confirmation dialog

There is no undo available once a project has been deleted. They only way to recover a project is to restore a database from a backup. See Backing up your fusion database for more information.

Uncheck all result nodesSelect project for Batch Export

See Batch exporting of projects for further information.

Return to select a different database

Return to the Open Database dialog buttonClick on the return to Open Databases dialog by clicking the “Open Fusion Databases” button.

Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Fusion Databases

A Fact Sheet Fusion database can hold one or more projects. The Fusion database is where all projects and their related information such as topics, entities and settings are stored. Only media attachments such as images are not stored within the database. A Fusion database (version 2) will have a file extension of ‘fusion2’. You can create as many Fusion databases as you need.

Note: Fact Sheet Fusion can not directly open a version 1 database (.fusion). If you have an older fusion database you must import it into a Fusion version 2 database. See importing databases.

Below is a screen shot of the Fact Sheet Fusion Database interface (dialog). It currently shows no recently opened databases.

Open Fusion database dialog
Open Fusion database dialog showing no recently opened databases.

New Fusion database button

Creating a new database

To create a new database click on the create database button. You will then be directed to select a destination folder and to type in a database name. Once the new database has been created the Project’s dialog will appear.

Open an existing Fusion database button

Opening an existing Fusion Database

If you have an existing database (.fusion2) that is not listed in the recently used list, you can use the Open Database button to browse and select the desired database. Once a valid database has been selected the Projects dialog will appear.

Recently Used databases

Once a database has been opened it will be added to the recently used databases list. This will be shown when the Database dialog is opened again. To select a recently opened database in the list double click on the row containing the database. A recently opened database is shown below.

Fusion database selection dialog showing a recently used database
Fusion database selection dialog showing a recently used database
Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Getting Started

Use this tutorial to jump start your understanding of Fact Sheet Fusion and all the new features of version 2. This outline is not intended to replace the Help documentation and will deal more in broad concepts, rather than the step by step how to.

First – before getting to Version 2, let’s look at the differences between version 1 and Version 2. For those of you who have experience with Fact Sheet Fusion v1, you will remember that you first have to name and open a file and then you enter a list of topics and a list of entities and then type in or paste in text for each topic/entity combination and add images and captions for each entity, using the same dialogue frame.

With Fact Sheet Fusion version 2, entering topics/entities and text is much the same as with version 1. The main difference is how you deal with images. In Fact Sheet Fusion v2 there is a separate Media Manager that enables you to import and edit images, add watermarks, etc. You can then add images from this media database to a specific project database.

So now let’s look at the way in which this new version of Fact Sheet Fusion is structured (see Fig. 1)

Figure 1. Fact Sheet Fusion v2 showing databases and projects and the common media library associated with each database
Figure 1. Fact Sheet Fusion v2 showing databases and projects and the common media library associated with each database

A Fusion database holds one or more projects. Projects hold the fundamental data associated with creating your fact sheets (i.e. Topic headings, Entities and their text content.) Each database has its own media library: projects within that database can then utilize images and other multimedia items from than common database. Projects within a database don’t need to be related in anyway, but they normally will be.

Therefore, if you are just starting or if your intended (new) project is completely unrelated to any existing database projects (that is, they are unlikely to share topics or media) then it is probably best to create a new database.

Fact Sheet Fusion database selection dialog
Fact Sheet Fusion database selection dialog

Creating projects

Once a Fusion database has been created you can create one or more projects.

Projects dialog

The most common reason for creating multiple projects within a database are likely to be where the entities in the different projects are related, don’t share topic headings but may share common media.


It is possible to create all your projects within the one database to share a media library, even if they are completely unrelated. There is no functional disadvantage in doing so.

If you have common entities that share (many) topics headings, but you need to manage groups of discrete entities you can achieve this in a single project via the Subset feature. For example, if you had a large project containing plants species, you may want to have the ability to separate these species into groups such as weeds, natives, rainforest species, aquatics etc. Subsets will allow you to make these assertions and export them as separate sets of fact sheets, if desired.

Once a project has been created you can proceed to open it, rename it, delete it or import an older version 1.x databases into it.

Fact Sheet Fusion database projects selection dialog
Fact Sheet Fusion database projects selection dialog

You can import a v1.x database into a project anytime, though normally this would be done at the beginning of a project. The import dialog will allow you to select which Topics and Entities you wish to import, along with the media and glossary. It also offers a feature to clean any content in the older database that may be contaminated with undesirable formatting (e.g. MS Word HTML) that will override the export templates.

Importing MS Word documents, HTML pages or Lucid key data is done via the Content Import option accessible in the main interface.

To import a v1.x Glossary you need to assign a name (label) to the glossary. This is called a glossary set. The glossary features in version 2 has been greatly expanded and will be covered in more detail further below.


Importing will not create duplicates in your project. If for example you were to mistakenly select to import a topic that had been imported previously the import process will not overwrite the existing records for matching entities.

Managing Project data

If you’ve not used version 1.x before and are new to Fact Sheet Fusion then it is important to understand how data is managed. The three main points of data are:

  • Topics – These are the headings of the fact sheets.
  • Entities – These are the individual species, symptoms or other specific entities that the fact sheets are about.
  • Entity Topic Text – Each combination of a Topic and Entity can hold information (e.g. text and media related text).
Fact Sheet Fusions main interface
Fact Sheet Fusions main interface

To start entering fact sheet content you first need to create one or more Topics and at least one entity. Once these have been created you can begin entering text. The fact sheet text is saved against the currently selected Topic and Entity. Think of this as a database record (which it is!).


There is no need to remember to save after making changes. Fact Sheet Fusion automatically saves changes when you move around the topics and entities. In fact there is no save button – there’s no need!

  • Topics and Entities can be renamed at any time.
  • If you already have a list of Topics or Entities to add to your project don’t retype them. Use the import option (right click in the Topic or Entity lists to see the context pop-menu options). The Import dialog is a simple text box where you can paste a list of Topics or Entities. Just ensure each are on a separate line.
  • Use keyboard shortcuts for faster data entry. For example, when editing text for a given Topic/Entity combination you can use Ctrl + Up/Down arrows to change Topics. Or Ctrl + Left/Right arrows to change Entities while remaining on the selected Topic.

Whenever you click on or select a Topic or Entity (or media items) you will see on the top right of the main interface a properties window. These properties give you various options and control over how they are dealt with during the export process. For example you can hide the Topic Label as a heading but still retain its content in the fact sheet.

Managing Media

Fact Sheet Fusion supports a diverse range of media attachments such as images, video, sound, PDFs, and Office documents. The way Fact Sheet Fusion now handles media is a large change from the first edition. Media within Fact Sheet Fusion is held at the database level and can be accessed by all the separate projects held within that database. This means that you only need to write captions and apply watermarks, among other properties, once and these details will be used whenever you attach the media item in a project.

While managing media at a global level reduces workload and removes duplication issues when managing multiple related projects, Fact Sheet Fusion still allows you to customize the media each time it is attached within a project, if needed.

The Media Manager, as the name implies, allows you to “manage” your media items. You can think about the Media Manager as a “library”.

Fact Sheet Fusion Media Manager Interface

Adding Media Categories

To add a new media category either select the ‘Add’ option from the Categories menu, or right click in the Media Categories list and select ‘Add’ from the pop-up context menu. The add category dialog will appear.

Fact Sheet Fusion Add Media Category Dialog
Fact Sheet Fusion Add Media Category Dialog

Enter the category name and click the add button. The new category will be added below the currently selected category.


Media categories will be automatically created for you when add a new Entity. The automatic media category name will be the same as the Entity.

Adding Media to the Library

To add media, select the ‘Add’ (Add button) button from the Media panel toolbar, or right click in an empty area of the media panel and select ‘Add’ from the pop-up context menu.

Adding Media to an Entity, Entity Topic or Glossary term

To associate media against an Entity, Entity Topic or Glossary term click the attach media button (Add button) in the main interface window for Entities or Entity Topics. Or via the Glossary dialog. This will load the Media Manager to allow you to select one or more media items. If you have selected to add media to an Entity the Media Manager will automatically load the matching category for you. Once you have selected the media you wish to attach, click the large Add button located at the bottom of the Media Manager.

Add media button at the bottom of the Media Manager dialog
Add media button at the bottom of the Media Manager dialog

Media Properties – Inherited vs Derived

By default when a media item is attached to an Entity Topic or to an Entity the “library” edition is used. All of the media properties, such as caption, photographer, copyright text, thumbnail image and watermark are inherited from the library copy. In most cases there is no need to re-enter the caption or adjust its settings as it’s already been done.

However, there may be circumstances where you do need to customize the details of a media item. For example, change the preferred watermark or customize the caption just for the current instance in the loaded project. In this scenario you can set the attached media item to be “derived” from the library. That is the media item still references the same file, but uses a different set of media properties. This leaves the global library edition unchanged, but allows a customized instance for use in the current project.

The main data entry interface allows easy editing of media properties that are global or derived. It’s just a matter to changing the view between the two states. This can be done above the properties panel (when a media has been selected). You can select to view the Library (global) properties of a media item or the derived (custom) properties.

If you have switched to the derived view you still need to tell Fact Sheet Fusion that the media item is to use a derived copy of the properties, otherwise every media item viewed would use a derived copy. You set a media item to be derived by setting the ‘Media Object Derived’ property to ‘True’.


Any edits to media properties within the Media Manager are global in nature.


If you set a media item derived status back to false (e.g. return to using the library properties) the derived properties will still be kept in case you want to use the derived properties again.

Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Registration & Activation

Fact Sheet Fusion Registration dialog
Fact Sheet Fusion Registration dialog

The registration and activation process registers the Fact Sheet Fusion product to you and to the computer on which you first activate the software. Installation on a second computer or by another user is not possible without an additional license.

The registration and activation process

Step 1.

When you open Fact Sheet Fusion, you will be given the option to register the software.

If you choose to register later, you can use Fact Sheet Fusion in the unregistered mode. In this mode you can only export:

  • 10 Fact sheets.
  • 10 Glossary items.
  • 5 Media items per fact sheet.

There are no limits on data entry.

Step 2 – Registering

Note: You must be able to connect to the Internet and have a valid email account in order to complete the registration process.

To register Fact Sheet Fusion, fill out the required details within the dialog. You will be asked to enter your name, a valid email address (this must be the email address used when ordering Fact Sheet Fusion).

Click on the Register button to complete the registration process. The registration process is automatic. If you have a valid unactivated license the activation process will complete automatically and proceed to the Fusion Database selection dialog. You will not see the registration dialog again unless there is significant hardware change to your computer.

Registration Problems?

If there is an issue with the activation process you will receive a warning (or the issue will be logged – See Fact Sheet Fusion Logs for more information) and the Fusion Databases dialog will indicate that Fact Sheet Fusion is still in an unregistered state. There may be many reasons why the activation failed. Some of the most common reasons are:

  1. Problem: You purchased one license, but are trying to install and activate on a second computer.
    Solution: Purchase a secondary license (only $120.00 AUD). Or if you wish to install on multiple computers, a network license would be more appropriate.
  2. Problem: You have changed/upgraded your computer.
    Solution: Log a support desk ticket at and request a license reset.
  3. Problem: The activation process continually fails.
    Solution: Check the Fact Sheet Fusion log. Check that you have an active working Internet connection at the time you are trying to activate.

Manual Activation

If you have checked your Internet and are sure you have a valid available license to activate  but are still unable to complete the registration process then you can send your registration file to the help desk at

You can find your registration file (Fact_Sheet_Fusion.registration) in your Fact Sheet Fusion Working directory. Once we have received your registration file we will check the license and, assuming your license is valid, issue you an activation file called ‘Fact_Sheet_Fusion.activation’. Copy this file to your Fact Sheet Fusion Working directory. Then restart Fact Sheet Fusion.

Note: The registration and activation files are linked to the hardware signature of your computer. You cannot copy these to another computer and expect the software to be activated.

Buy now

If you haven’t yet purchased Fact Sheet Fusion, but would like to do so you can click the ‘Buy now’ button. This will launch your preferred web browser to the on-line shop where you can complete the purchase.

Register later

Clicking the Register later will skip the registration process and proceed to open the Fact Sheet Fusion Database dialog leaving Fact Sheet Fusion in an unregistered state. Please note the export limitations mentioned in Step 1 above.

Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Working Location

Set Fact Sheet Fusion working location
Set Fact Sheet Fusion working location dialog

Fact Sheet Fusion will ask you to define a working location. By default Fact Sheet Fusion will recommend a folder called ‘.Fact Sheet Fusion’ located in your documents folder. To accept this click the ‘User this location’ button. Or to define a different working location click on the folder browser button […].

The Fact Sheet Fusion working folder is important as it locates where your activation details are stored and where your fact sheet templates will be located. As noted within the Set Working Location dialog (shown above) this folder should be available each time Fact Sheet Fusion launches and that UNC (network shares) may be slower than a folder found on your local hard drive.


It is important not to use the working location as a place to save your Fusion databases or to export your fact sheets.

Fact Sheet Fusion v2

System Requirements

Fact Sheet Fusion requires the following:

Operating Systems

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.

Note: 32 bit or 64 bit editions of Windows are supported.

OSX & Linux users: Fact Sheet Fusion will work under virtual Windows environments under OSX and Linux. If you need a virtualization solution try Virtual Box, free from


At least 150MB of available memory is recommended.


Intel – compatible processor with a minimum speed of 1 GHz or a faster processor.

Hard Drive Space

Fact Sheet Fusion requires 50MB of free space for installation. This excludes the Additional Requirements listed below.
Additional storage for project data is also required. The amount required is entirely depended on the size and scope of your projects and media.

Additional Requirements

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 – (this component will be installed as a part of the setup package, if not present)
Diskspace (minimum): 32 bit – 850MB, 64 bit (2GB). Note: Windows 8 comes pre-installed with this component.

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express LocalDB – (this component will be installed as a part of the setup package, if not present)
Diskspace (minimum): 140MB.

Web Browser: A modern web browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox.
PDF Reader: Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader or similar



For video processing Fact Sheet Fusion relies on the FFMPEG utility. You can obtain FFMPEG from:

Download and install the edition suitable to your operating system. Once installed open Fact Sheet Fusion and select the FFMPEG executable path in the Fact Sheet Fusion Preferences dialog.

Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Version History


New Features and Enhancements

  • Added a glossary CSV import option. This has been the most requested user feature. It is now possible to import glossary terms and their corresponding definitions from a simple CSV file format.
  • Updated the HTML content import dialogs entity to filename comparer. The algorithm for matching existing HTML files to entity name labels has been improved, particularly for Lucid’s natural language file naming convention. This file matching algorithm saves manually connecting entities to a corresponding HTML files when importing content.
  • Improved multi-link glossary terms. This is where the same glossary term is used across more than one glossary set within the same project, but may have different definitions. Each glossary term link instance can now display its definition text, rather than just applying a standard link back to the glossary page when using the glossary pop-ups option.


  • N/A

New Features and Enhancements

  • Updated Media List import to support latest format (e.g., now supports Lucid v4 Media XML format).
  • Optimised cross-linking speed in the export engine. This significantly increases the overall export speed when full cross-linking export options are used.


  • Export exclusion option wasn’t being retained.
  • Several other minor bug fixes.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Updated the taxonomic name service for vascular plants.
  • Font size can now be set for the Topic and Entities lists, via the Preferences dialog.


  • Updated the empty topic check to include additional states for exclusion.


  • Fixed bug in glossary exporter where a term was missing a definition. This would cause an index out of bounds error.
  • Fixed several minor crosslinker issues.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Added a new Entity Properties Report – This new report allows you to quickly review entity properties such as ‘Review’, ‘Excluded’, Crosslinking exclusions.
  • Added a new Entity Topics Report – This new report allows you to quickly assess which topics have text for each of the entities. It also indicates if the entity has alternative names associated with it.
  • Added a new Glossary Terms Report – The Terms Report will report on all the terms for the selected Glossary Set. The report will cover the term properties such as ‘Review’, ‘Exclude’ and ‘Alias Of’ etc. It will also give a media attachment count for each term.
  • Content importer – will now check and add, if needed, wrapping P tags around matched content when importing data into the project.
  • Glossary Aliases – Glossary terms marked as an alias of another term can now be excluded from the Glossary term listing by leaving the term definition empty. Otherwise if you wish the alias term to be included you can simply add definition text. ‘See XXXX term for more information’.
  • Updated the help.


  • Fixed a small bug in the Content Importer Rule loader where the topic name label matching was case sensitive.
  • Fixed several crosslinker issues.
  • Fixed the Glossary properties width layout splitter which was disabled under certain circumstances.
  • Updated the Fancy Green Template to support glossary term pop-up option and other minor CSS fixes.

New features and enhancements

  • Added a new Entity Report – The new report checks for name difference (changes) between entities and the scientific name topic.
  • Updated registration and activation service.
  • Additional checks now occur prior to the fact sheet export to ensure the destination paths still exist. If not, the user is warned.
  • Added additional rules to the Clean HTML option to clean out empty p and div tags.
  • Content Importer improved by adding an option to save the Word Document as a ‘super’ clean HTML file. This file is the equivalent of what the rule parser uses during import. This will allow  easier creation of import rules when dealing with MS Word content.
  • Moved the Help to the on-line edition.


  • Fixed token parser for media list export. It was missing topic based tokens.
  • Fixed Media Manager paste detection after a copy takes place in Explorer.
  • Fixed a bug in the cross-linker where multiple references to the same name are found. The cross-linker was placing the multi-link URLs in the wrong position of the matched name. Improved the multi-link anchor title and alt properties to show the name of the fact sheet being linked to.

New features and enhancements

  • Improved the Content Import dialog – test functions are now based on row selection, rather than each row containing their own set of test buttons. This greatly reduces memory requirements when performing an import across a large number of entities.
  • Added a default ‘Description’ option in the Entity tab of the fact sheets Export dialog. This value will be used if a description isn’t provided on a per entity basis (via Entity Properties). The description field is used to create the description meta tag of the page.
  • Added a new Topic replacement token for the Author, Author Notes, and Description fields.      Token format: [Topic:<topic name>]The topic text used in the token replacement is the plain text version of the HTML topic content. The Topic replacement token can be used in conjunction with other standard replacement tokens. For example, to create a description of the page we could do the following, assuming we had a common name topic.[EntityName] ([Topic:Common name]) fact sheet.This could produce: Musca domestica (housefly) fact sheet
  • Added a new option for the [EntityName] token. If you are dealing with Scientific names for your entity list you can now use the replacement token [EntityName:scientific]. Fact Sheet Fusion will apply automatic scientific name formatting to the entity name label when the token is replaced. E.g. Take the following Entity name ‘Eucalyptus amplifolia subsp. sessiliflora’ the regular token [EntityName] would simply replace with ‘Eucalyptus amplifolia subsp. sessiliflora’ while [EntityName:scientific] would replace with ‘Eucalyptus amplifolia subsp. sessiliflora
  • Added a new entity sort order option for the index page creation. If you are dealing with scientific names as entities and are creating fact sheets for a few or single genera, the index A…Z shortcuts can become superfluous. For example, if you were creating fact sheets for Eucalypts, which have over 800 species all starting with ‘Eucalyptus’. This means only the ‘E’ in the A…Z shortcut menu becomes available leaving the user to scroll through hundreds of species to find what’s of interest. This new option will allow you to sort the Index based on the second text element of the entity name. This will allow for a greater spread of names within the Index A…Z shortcut menu.
  • A new Glossary cross-linking limiter option now allows you to limit the number of times a glossary term is cross-linked within a fact sheet.
  • Enhanced the Entity Filter option. The filter now also searches across alternative names associated with entities.
  • Added a text zoom option to the Code view of the HTML editor. Use Ctrl + + to increase the font size, or Ctrl + – to decrease the font size.
  • Updated the help.


  • Fixed a bug where some entity properties weren’t saving.
  • Fixed a cross-linking issue for glossary terms containing non-alphanumeric characters in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed adding new entities that weren’t positioning correctly in the list (i.e. directly below the currently selected entity), depending on the patch level of the underlying .NET framework.
  • Single fact sheet export option now regenerates the JavaScript Entity array, if selected for export in the main Export Advanced tab.
  • Fixed a paste bug in the Code view of the Glossary HTML editor. Paste was being overridden by the paste glossary terms option.
  • Fix a Subset filter bug for the Entities List.

New features and enhancements

  • Added keyboard shortcut to Entity List (Ctrl + Right Arrow). This opens the Alternative name dialog for the selected entity.
  • Alternative Name Dialog
    • Tweaked the Alternative name dialog for improved data entry speed and keyboard actions – now sets focus to the new record row and allows for immediate data entry.
    • Changed the Save button on the Alternative name dialog to a ‘Save & Close’ button. Note the dialog won’t exit if issues with saving are detected.
    • Added shortcut option (Ctrl + s) for saving current row.
    • Added shortcut option (Ctrl + Shift + x) for closing and saving the dialog.
    • Added autocomplete dropdown to the alternative name and author fields. The suggestion list is derived from the entities, and existing alternative names and author fields. This should help speed up data entry.
  • Added a formatted ‘parent’ entity label to child entities (I.e. Has a parent entity. E.g. Alternative names). This allows the alternative name to output (formatted or plain) with the parent (formatted or plain).
  • Scientific Name Formatter
    • No longer formats labels with first word in uppercase.
    • Recognises bracketed content in the middle of scientific name. “Hydrophis (Hydrophis) elegans” now formats to “Hydrophis (Hydrophis) elegans”.
  • Added photographer field to the Media List XML output.
  • Updated the help.


  • Fix export bug where images haven’t been exported due to the skip media option being selected.
  • Fixed a bug where viewing a media item launched outside the scope of the Media Manager (E.g. Directly via an entity or topic) the associated media list wasn’t passed to the Image Viewer to power the next and previous buttons correctly.
  • Fixed minor label issue associated with the attach button in the Media Manager when called from different components. It now correctly labels the attachment type, rather than using the generic label ‘Attach to Entity’, which was confusing. E.g. If attaching a media item to a glossary term the attach button now states ‘Attach to glossary term’.

New features and enhancements

  • Added new option to change over a media file via the properties grid in the main interface or media manager.
  • Updated Lucid media content import option to use latest v3.6 key data model.
  • The ‘Attach to Entity’ button in the media manager is now hidden if not launched as a part of an media attachment action.
  • Added new ‘greedy’ replace option on exclude rules in the HTML Import module.
  • Updated the help.


  • Fixed Lucid media attachment import where the correct media order, reflected in the key, wasn’t maintained.
  • Fixed minor HTML import rules processor bug.
  • Fixed a HTML content import bug when rules are loaded, but no document source folder was specified.
  • Fixed a bug where non-derived copyright and comments of media items weren’t exported in the media list.
  • Fixed a Fusion v1 import issue when an image caption contained a null value.

New features and enhancements

  • The main forms (Main interface, Glossary manager, Media manger and Image viewer) now save and reload their position, size and layout between openings.
  • The Image Viewer now allows you to move between the images contained within the selected media category.
  • Added the selected media category to the Media manager title when selected.
  • Updated the help.


  • Fixed a bug within the HTML editor where highlighted text, via a double click action, would not allow the text to be overwritten or deleted while highlighted.
  • Fixed an exception that occurred when deleting a media category due to a save action on a non-existent image.
  • Fixed a scrolling issue where the drag action ended outside the scope of a list box (entities, media categories). The scroll would continue within the list box, even when the drag and drop operation was abandoned.

New features and enhancements

  • Further enhanced the detection and cross-linking of scientific names.
  • Added a new option to automatically create a scientific name topic with formatted names.
  • Added a progress bar for topic deletion.
  • Added several new advanced media manager options such as automatic matching and attachment of media, reporting missing media and option to delete missing media references.
  • Image viewer now automatically detects image orientation properties.


  • Fixed global find and replace function where it was not searching across glossary terms in some instances.
  • Fixed cross-linking ordering problem where some shorter links where being applied before longer links.
  • Fixed cross-linking issue where the text to be linked was wrapped in inverted commas.
  • Fixed entity index were it was incorrectly processing alternative name siblings as sub alternative names.
  • Corrected the image watermark generator preview in the Image Viewer.
  • Harden the glossary term saving function and included additional logging.
  • Fixed glossary cross-linking of terms when linking on certain special characters.
  • Fixed glossary cross-link when limited to a single topic.

New features and enhancements

  • Added new occurrence map generation service via Atlas of Living Australia.
  • Add several advanced media manager options to help with bulk import and attachment/detachment of media.
  • Added regular expression options to the Global search and replace function.
  • Enhanced the HTML editor to allow double click selection/highlight of words.
  • Added a new option in the export dialog (Index Tab) to export the index page without needing to perform a full export.
  • Added a busy cursor change to indicate the import is working during the import process.
  • Added token replacement support for the [EntityName], [Authors], [Year] and [Identifier] media captions.
  • Add an additional template to show PDF output optimisation.
  • Updated the help to reflect new and changed functionality.
  • Updated setup package to dynamically download any required modules, rather than packaging within the setup to reduce the size.


  • Fixed binomial entity name link function during export.
  • Fixed a ‘null found’ error that could be encountered in the Global search and replace function under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed missing HTML edit bar in the glossary editor for some users.
  • Fixed a bug in the drag n drop reordering for very long lists of images within the media manager.
  • Fixed a bug in the media category renaming and folder synchronisation function.
  • Fixed a bug in the Glossary editor where a definition would not be saved if in code view.
  • Fixed an FSF v2 import bug when electing to import from an entity subset.
  • Fixed an entity rename bug that would allow a duplicate entity label.
  • Fixed a token replacement bug for [EntityName] in the Media List export.
  • Fixed several default templates to remove a hidden DIV when media other than images weren’t present.

New Features and Enhancements

  • A new Projects Batch Export feature has been added. This useful new feature allows selected projects to be exported without opening each of projects and performing the export separately.
  • The content importer (HTML & MS Word) has been further enhanced. It now has an extended save function which now saves files associated for import (Html/Word) which have been mapped against Entities. A save shortcut key has also been added (Ctrl + s) to the dialog.


  • Within the content importer a small bug has been corrected where a rule wasn’t updated in the preview, if focus hadn’t moved.
  • An uncaught ‘null’ media caption exception has been fixed.
  • Corrected the remaining export calculations when entities were marked as excluded from the export process.
  • The entities and topics import dialog now trims any tab characters from import items that may be present.

Minor update

  • Corrects missing toolbar from the media caption editor in the main interface and media manager.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Content import now has additional options to test import rules, preview the selected file that is to be imported and a browse option to link content files against entities.
  • Added support, via the Media Manager, for importing media via CSV file.


  • Fixed the Auto sizing option for text based watermarks.
  • Fixed an exception when a media item was opened in the Media Viewer by double click.
  • Added a unique ID to exported files and folders where the entity names exceed file system limits. This ensures each entity is exported and no overwrite can occur if they happened to share a common name label to the point where they exceeded the length limit.
  • Sitemap export now includes each document type selected to be exported (e.g. Html, PDF and XML).
  • Several other minor bug fixes and improvements added.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Increased the speed of exports by 30-50% depending on the export options selected.
  • Added support for importing Lucid key data (entities) and associated fact sheets via the HTML import option.
  • Changed the default selected project option to ‘open project’ within the Projects dialog.
  • Added a new check for updates feature. Includes automatic download and install launch feature.
  • Upgraded the setup package process to allow updates to over install existing older versions, rather than having to uninstall prior to updating to the newer edition.


  • Several minor bug fixes and improvements added to the import of MS Word generated HTML files.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Added support for an ‘assets’ folder within a template, specifically for generating PDFs.
  • Enhanced existing database detection on the database service by adding a database Drop function, if needed, during the opening process. This solves the issue where a user has moved a FSF database to another folder location (or deleted a FSF database), then uses (or recreates) the same fusion database name, and attempts to open it while the database service still has the details of original database attached.
  • Added Ctrl + a (select all) to the Import text dialog.


  • Fixed an incorrect warning message at the end of the FSF v1 database import process. This had no impact on the imported data.
  • Fixed potential cross linking double ups where an existing link had a hard return within it.
  • Renamed the default FSF tool tip CSS class to avoid clash with the Bootstrap framework.
  • Fixed a save issue in the global search and replace dialog when manually editing HTML in the code tab.
  • Fixed a glossary export issue where a glossary term contained a null value, causing the exported terms and definitions to be out sync.
  • Added scroll bars to the Import text dialog, where text exceeds the available text area.
  • Fixed an issue where FSF was incorrectly reporting a database needed upgrading when it failed to detach a database from the database service when it no longer existed.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Added new Fusion2 database import option.
  • Added import from file option to all import text dialogs (topics, entities and subsets etc).
  • Help has been updated to reflect new functionality.


  • Fixed an exception that was caused when all entities are removed and a media item wasn’t cleared from the entity images panel.
  • Fixed an invalid parameter error when generating image watermark that occurred for some image types.
  • Fixed opening the Media Manager where all previous entities had been deleted.
  • Fixed refreshing of the media listed after the deletion of a category.
  • Fixed disabling of media caption and properties when moving between media categories.
  • Fixed bug where glossary term properties (Review, Exclude and Exclude from Crosslinking) were not being stored in some circumstances.
  • Stopped the creation of thumbnails of image during export if marked as excluded.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Added Global HTML clean functions for Topics, Media captions and Glossary terms.
  • Highlighting option for images marked as excluded in the main editor.


  • Minor fixes when storing media captions along with minor database updates.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Updated the Global Find and Replace option to allow in place editing of the search results. Enhanced the navigation of the search results with keyboard shortcuts.


  • Corrected an issue with media caption alternative text not being generated on image import from older v1 Fusion databases.

New Features and Enhancements

  • New – import from existing HTML and MS Word documents. This new feature uses a set of flexible user defined rules to import text against the projects Topics. The HTML import option also supports importing of images and captions, where available.
  • New – taxonomic name concept check web service via (ALA). If you are dealing with plant or animal names this new feature allows you to check your current names for changes. The service also returns a list of synonyms and author information. This data can then be used to automatically update your taxa (Entities).
  • New – ad hoc entity search report has been added. You can now query your entities by providing a list of names to search against. Fusion will search for these, including Alternative names. It will then report any matches or possible matches with a listing of the associated media.
  • Closing the Main interface now returns you back to the Select Project dialog, rather than closing the application.
  • The maximum font size has been increased when auto sizing text watermarks.
  • Auto creation of Media categories when Entities are created or renamed.
  • Extended the Alternate Thumbnail option to allow separate alternative thumbnails for media when attached to Entities, topics and Glossary items, rather than just for the library edition.
  • The Alternate Names feature has been extended to include an additional field for author.
  • Import Entities dialog has been enhanced to allow the imported Entities to be added to an existing or new subset during import. This can also be used to quickly add existing entities into a new or existing subset.
  • A new feature allows you to copy entities to the clipboard or to a file. These copy functions work in conjunction with the filter and subset filters.
  • An additional comments field has been added to Media properties. This allows authors to store additional notes against the media.
  • The Media List now supports exporting the new media comments field.
  • The Export Fact Sheets option has been added to the Main menu, rather than only being available via the tool bar menu.


  • Add Entities/Topics/Glossary dialog didn’t trigger the Add button when text was pasted directly into the text field.
  • Derived media properties Photographer and Copyright weren’t saved between media movements.
Fact Sheet Fusion v2

Welcome to Fact Sheet Fusion Help

Fact Sheet Fusion Splash Screen

Fact Sheet Fusion is a tool to facilitate the rapid generation of standardized fact sheets in HTML (Hyper Text Mark up Language),  PDF (Portable Document Format) or XML (eXtensible Mark up Language). Users of Fact Sheet Fusion require no knowledge of HTML or XML.

Once the text entry has been completed Fact Sheet Fusion can automatically generate fact sheets based on a selected template. As a part of the fact sheet creation process, Fact Sheet Fusion can convert and resize images, create an entity index page, a glossary page, automatically cross link content, and perform a number of additional tasks to speed up fact sheet production.