If you have marked certain Topics to be excluded from the export process, you can override this setting by selecting the Include Topics marked Excluded.
The screen shot above shows the Export process in action.
Once you have finished entering your data and media for the fact sheets it is time to export. The export dialog has many options to customize the fact sheets. Each set of related options have been grouped under tabs within the export dialog.
The HTML Editor is ‘text’ editor for the entering topic text and caption text within your project.
Full Toolbar
HTML Editor toolbar
Mini Toolbar
HTML Editor mini toolbar
Heading Selector
HTML Editor Heading selector dropdown options
The heading selector allows you to select between several standard heading sizes. The heading size is applied to the currently selected line. A heading size can be removed by selecting the ‘None’ option. The heading size and style in the editor are only indications of the heading style. The selected fact sheet template will define the actual size and font type.
Any highlighted text will be cut from the editor to the clipboard.
Any highlighted text will be copied to the clipboard.
If the clipboard is not empty then the contents of the clip board will be pasted at the position of the cursor.
Use Ctrl + Shift + v keyboard combination to paste formatted content as plain text. E.g. MS Word or HTML clipboard content.
Will undo the last action performed. If the Undo button holds a history of steps performed within the editor, you can undo actions performed, such as delete, paste and typing, until the history is exhausted.
The redo action will redo any step that may have been undone by the Undo action.
Increases the importance of any selected text or makes any new text important from where the cursor is located. To remove bold text, highlight the desired portion and select bold again.
Underlines any text selected; or makes any new text underlined from where the cursor is located. To remove underline from text, highlight the desired portion and select underline again.
Emphasizes any selected text; or makes any new text italicized from where the cursor is located. To remove italics from the text, highlight the desired portion and select italic again.
Edit Font
Font dialog
The edit font dialog will allow you to change the underlying font settings. However it is recommended that this facility is used only where absolutely necessary. Defining font settings within the HTML content will override the export template. Therefore it would be possible to cause a mis-match of font types within the exported fact sheet.
Normal (Remove font styles)
The Normal option removes any applied font styling from the selected text.
Edit Font Color
Font color dialog
The font color dialog will allow you to change the font color of the selected text. However any font styling, including color, will override the export template.
Increase the Font Size
This will increase the selected text font size incrementally each time it is selected. You can remove font sizing via the Normal option or reduce the font size using the Decrease font size option.
Decrease the Font Size
This will decrease the selected text font size incrementally each time it is selected. You can remove font sizing via the Normal option or increase the font size using the Increase font size option.
Left Justify
Positions selected text to the left of the text edit area.
Positions text center in the text edit area.
Right Justify
Positions text to the right of the text edit area.
Moves the text a fixed amount to the right equivalent of one tab.
Moves the text a fixed amount to the left equivalent of one tab.
Insert Ordered List
This option starts a numbered list. Each new line within the list is automatically assigned the next sequential number. The Indent and Outdent options can be used within the ordered list to create sub lists with their own sequential values.
Insert Unordered List
This option starts an unordered (bullet) list. Each new line within the list is automatically assigned a bullet icon. The Indent and Outdent options can be used within the ordered list to create sub lists with their bullet style. The style applied to each level within the list is determined by the web browser and the font used. This styling can be, easily overridden by the export template.
Insert Line
This option inserts a horizontal line at the position of the cursor.
Insert Table
Table Properties dialog
This dialog allows you to define the properties of a table to be inserted into the text edit area. Once the table has been created it can be easily modified by right clicking within the table area and selecting the table edit options.
Table pop-up context menu
Insert Image
This option has been disabled in this edition and may be added in a future release. If you wish to associate an image with a topic you can do so via the Topic Image tab or an image can be associated with the entity. The selected export template will then determine the layout and positioning of the image. Alternatively if you do wish to embed an image from an Internet location you can use the editing pop-up context menu to insert an image. If an image is embedded this way, the browser loading the exported page will need Internet access to display the image.
Insert Link
HTML Link edit dialog
This options allows you to create a link on highlighted text. If you are creating a link you can set the target (i.e. New window or the same window). The Href (hyperlink) should be a fully qualified URL (e.g. https://www.lucidcentral.org)
Find dialog
The find dialog will search for given text within the current editor’s text area.
Replace dialog
The replace option allows you to perform a find and replace within the current text area.
This option allows you to print the current text area content. It will open a print dialog allowing you to select your preferred printer and page options.
Clean HTML
Often when Microsoft Word content (or content of other Office applications) is pasted into the HTML editor, it is pasted with Microsoft Office HTML formatting, which will override the exported fact sheet template styles. The Clean HTML function is designed to remove most Microsoft Word HTML formatting, leaving the equivalent styling where possible, but without the use of embedded styles. This will leave the formatted content looking similar to “plain text”, but will generally look much better in the exported format once the template has been applied.
The Code tab within the HTML editor allows you access to the underlying HTML markup of the document. If you are comfortable with HTML you can edit the HTML markup directly. Switching back to the HTML tab will update the document with any changes that have been made. It is very important to maintain well formed HTML code within the HTML editor. That is, each HTML tag must have a start and end tag (other than breaking return tags (<br>) and horizontal lines (<hr>)).
If errors are made in the simple mark up, the editor will try and correct for this, i.e. append missing end tags, although in more complex tags, such as tables etc, this may not work. If “broken” HTML tagging is left within the editor this may affect the exported fact sheet with either an error when exporting or unexpected layout and formatting.
One or more media items can be linked to Entity Topics (An Entity Topic is the combination of the selected Entity and Topic) or directly to the Entity. Normally media that is attached to an entities topic is shown within the section relating to that topic in the fact sheet, while media attached to the entity are shown either at the top or bottom of the fact sheet. The layout of the media will vary depending on the export template selected. You can flip between the Entity Images and Topic Images using the tabs at the bottom of the media panel.
Entity and Topic Image tabs
For more information on media please see the Media topic or the Media Manager topic.
Media Properties
The Properties panel located at the top right of the main interface will show the properties of the currently selected item within the interface (e.g. Topics, Entities and Media). Properties can be edited by clicking on the property value on the right hand side of the property label. Depending on the type of property it may be as simple as choosing between true or false, or selecting from a drop down list. For other properties it may be more complex, requiring free form text. Each property when selected will show a help snippet at the bottom of the property panel, describing what it does. The property panel width can be adjusted by selecting the left hand border and dragging to the desired size. The height of the properties panel can also be adjusted by selecting the border below the help snippet and dragging it to the preferred height. For more details about each property please see the relevant help section (i.e. Entity Properties, Topic Properties, Media Properties)
Topics within Fact Sheet Fusion are generic headings for the Fact Sheets. The topic text is then displayed for the respective Topic heading. If a Topic for a given entity contains no topic text then the topic will be excluded from the fact sheet. It is also possible to include the topic text, without the Topic being present as a heading.
Adding Topics
To add a new topic to the Topic list, first give focus to the Topic list by clicking on it. You can tell when the Topic has focus as its background will change color. Adding a new Topic can be done in several ways.
Add Topic dialog
1. Via the Topic Menu…Add (Ctrl + T) 2. Via the pop-up context menu accessible by right clicking within the Topic list. 3. Via the Import (Ins) option (available via the Topic menu or the context menu).
Import Topics dialog
You can browse to load text into the import dialog from a file by using the folder button.
Editing Topics
To edit an existing topic, select that topic by clicking on it (or use the up or down arrow keys to navigate to it). Then you can select the edit option (via the Topic menu or context menu), or simply press Ctrl + E. Make the desired changes and click the update button to complete the task.
Edit/Update Topic dialog
Deleting Topics
To delete a topic, first select it by clicking on it (or use the up or down arrow keys to navigate to it). Then select the delete option from the Topic menu or context menu, or simply press the delete key. You will need to confirm that you wish to delete the topic.
Delete topic warning dialog
Deleting a Topic will also automatically remove all text and media references (but it will not delete the media files) from the Topic.
There is no undo for this action.
Sorting Topics
You can sort topics in two ways. You can either sort all the topics automatically in to ascending or descending order via the Topic Sort sub menu or context menu. Alternatively, you can manually sort the Topics using Drag and Drop.
Topic sort order is important as the order defined in the Topic list is the order topics appear within the fact sheet.
Topic Properties
Topics Properties Panel
When you give focus to a Topic its properties will be listed within the Properties section of the interface located top right. When you give focus to a Topic property you will see a small help topic listed at the bottom of the properties describing its function.
General Topic Name – You can edit the Topic name via the properties or as described above.
Topic Order – This is set by the Topic list and is a read only property.
Exclusions Exclude – You can exclude the topic from the export process by setting this property to true.
Exclude as Heading – The Topic name will be excluded as a heading though the topics text will still be output within the fact sheet.
Exclude Entities – Exclude cross-linking of any entities found within the text of this Topic during the export process.
Exclude Glossary – Exclude the cross-linking of glossary terms found with in the text of this topic during the export process.
Overrides Topic Heading Color – Normally the export template will define the color (and style) of the Topic headings within the fact sheet. However you can override this with your preferred color. This color will be applied to this topic heading in all fact sheets that it appears.
Topic heading color picker
Custom Style – Normally the export template will define the style and formatting of the topic heading. However you can completely override the export templates style sheet by defining your own in-line styles. The styles defined should follow the same rules for applying an HTML in-line style. E.g. An in-line style on a heading tag:
The file menu allows you to open a different Project (Ctrl+P) within the currently opened Fusion database, open a different Fusion Database (Ctrl+O) containing other projects, or to Import content from HTML or MS Word files.
The Topic menu gives you access to actions available for managing Topics. Menu items will only be available if they are able to perform the action. For example, the Delete option would be unavailable if no topics are present. For more information on Topics please see the Topics help section below.
Entities Menu
Entities Menu
The Entities menu gives you access to actions available for managing Entities. Menu items will only be available if they are able to perform the action. For example, the Delete option would be unavailable if no entities are present. For more information on Entities please see the Entities help section below.
Help Menu
Help Menu
The help menu gives access to this help file and to the about dialog, where version information and the log file is accessible. You can also check for updates to Fact Sheet Fusion that may have become available.