Lucid Builder v4

Pathway key exports

Lucid Builder supports several export types for pathway key projects. Export options can be accessed via the main menu ‘File…Export…Export Key. Select the preferred export type via the browse dialog when setting the location and filename of the export file.

Each format is described below.

Lucid Phoenix XML

This export option will output all aspects of your key in a simple XML format that is derived from the older standalone pathway key builder Lucid Phoenix, now superseded by Lucid4. The file extension is ‘.lpxk’.

LPXK files have the following format:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<PhoenixKey title=”<Key Title>” CreatedIn=”<Software
that created the key
<Identity id=”<i0..i1.i.n>” name=”<Identity
” icon=”<path/graphic file>” url=”<path/HTML
” />
<FilterItem name=”<Filter Name>” id=”<f01..f02..fn>“>
    <FilteredItems><Identity Id><space><IdentityId></FilteredItems>
<Steps firstStepID = “<Step Id>“>
id=”<>” text=”<Step Description>“>
<Lead stepid=”<Step Id>” leadid = “<Step
Id><Lead Id l0..l1..ln>
” goto = “<Step Id
or Identity Id>
    <Text><Lead Text></Text>

CSV (comma separated values)

This format will export your couplet and entity data. It excludes media references and filter data. It’s very similar to the text export, the difference being it doesn’t contain visual formatting and is optimised for importing into applications such as Excel.

Here is an example of the CSV format:

1,”Wings absent”,2
1,”Wings present”,3
2,”Laterally compressed, 1-2 mm long”,Flea
2,”Dorsoventrally flattened, body 10-15 mm long”,Silverfish
3,”Forewings membranous”,4
3,”Forewings completely or partly thickened”,7
4,”Hindwings absent”,Fly
4,”Hindwings present”,5
5,”Wings and body covered with scales”,Moth
5,”Body without scales; if hairy, then wings clear”,6
6,”Antennae very short; wings held at right angles to body”,Dragonfly
6,”Antennae medium to long; wings folded over body”,Wasp
7,”Forewings forming close-fitting hard covers over body”,Beetle
7,”Forewings not completely thickened; some veins obvious”,8
8,”Mouthparts modified into a sucking tube”,Bug
8,”Mouthparts designed for chewing, not tube-like”,Grasshopper

SDD XML (Structured Descriptive Data)

SDD is an open international standard developed several years ago. All aspects of the pathway key data will be exported under this format. Both SDD and the LPXK formats are XML. The SDD format is much more complex as it caters for a larger range of data types. For example Lucid Matrix key projects can also be exported under this format.

For more information on the SDD format see:


The Builder is capable of outputting the key back to a human readable text based key. This format excludes the media and filter data. This format for example could be useful where you want the key published in a paper.

Example text export:

1 “Wings absent” 2
1 “Wings present” 3
2 “Laterally compressed, 1-2 mm long” Flea
2 “Dorsoventrally flattened, body 10-15 mm long” Silverfish
3 “Forewings membranous” 4
3 “Forewings completely or partly thickened” 7
4 “Hindwings absent” Fly
4 “Hindwings present” 5
5 “Wings and body covered with scales” Moth
5 “Body without scales; if hairy, then wings clear” 6
6 “Antennae very short; wings held at right angles to body” Dragonfly
6 “Antennae medium to long; wings folded over body” Wasp
7 “Forewings forming close-fitting hard covers over body” Beetle
7 “Forewings not completely thickened; some veins obvious” 8
8 “Mouthparts modified into a sucking tube” Bug
8 “Mouthparts designed for chewing, not tube-like” Grasshopper