Lucid Builder v4

Lucid Builder Feature Tree – Context Pop-up menu

Applies to Matrix key projects

Additional commands available via the context pop-up menu. The context menu can be accessed by right clicking on an item (or an empty section) within the Feature Tree panel.

Lucid Builder Edit Context Pop-up Menu
Lucid Builder Edit Context Pop-up Menu.

Add sub menu

Lucid Builder Edit Context Pop-up Add Sub Menu
Lucid Builder Edit Context Pop-up Add Sub Menu.

Add Feature icon Add Feature

Adds a new Feature to the the Feature tree.

Add Feature As Child icon Add Feature as Child

Adds a new Feature to an existing Feature as a child node. A Feature can only be added as a child node if it doesn’t contain any states.

Add Feature As Parent icon Add Feature as Parent

Adds a new Feature as the parent of the currently selected Feature.

Add State icon Add State

Adds a new State to the selected Feature. This option is only available where the selected Feature doesn’t already contain a Feature.

copy icon Copy

Copies a selected Feature, State to the system clipboard. A copy of the item may then be pasted elsewhere in the Feature tree.

If a copied item has children, all descendents will be copied along with the selected item. If an item has scores or other properties associated with it (media etc), all scores and properties will remain associated with the copied item and will be pasted with it.

paste icon Paste

Pastes a previously cut or copied item as a child of the selected item.

If a cut or copied item has children, all descendents will be cut or copied and pasted along with the selected item. If an item has scores or other properties associated with it (media etc), all scores and properties will remain associated with the item and will be pasted with it.

Paste As Sibling Paste as sibling

Pastes a previously cut or copied item as a sibling of the selected item.

If a cut or copied item has children, all descendents will be cut or copied and pasted along with the selected item. If an item has scores or other properties associated with it (media etc), all scores and properties will remain associated with the item and will be pasted with it.

Rename iconRename

Renames a selected item in the Features tree. The item will be placed into edit mode for renaming. Rename can also be invoked by pressing the F2 key.

delete icon Delete

Deletes one or more selected Feature or State.

If the Builder Preferences option Prompt for confirmation during tree delete operations is checked, a Confirm Delete dialog will appear to confirm that the operation should go ahead. If Prompt for confirmation during tree delete operations is unchecked, the item will be deleted immediately without confirmation.

The selected item will be permanently deleted from the key. This operation cannot be undone.

Modify sub menu

Lucid Builder Edit Menu Context Pop-up Modify Sub Menu
Lucid Builder Edit Menu Context Pop-up Modify Sub Menu.

Merge States icon Merge Selected States

This option will take the selected States (two or more) and merge them into one State. It is important to understand the effect this will have on the scoring the merged State will retain from the merging process.

If score data is present on the merging States the following rules will apply as to what score data will be retained for the merged State.

In order, the following score types will take priority and will be applied.

  1. common score icon Present (common)
  2. rare score icon Rare
  3. uncertain score icon Uncertain
  4. not scoped score icon Not Scoped
  5. common misinterpreted score icon Present (common), misinterpreted
  6. rare misinterpreted score icon Rare, misinterpreted
  7. Absent score icon Absent

For example, if Agaricus had scores on the following feature:

Feature icon Spore shape
Lucid Feature State icon globose Absent score icon (Absent)

Lucid Feature State icon subglobose rare score icon (Rare)

Lucid Feature State icon ellipsoid common score icon (Present)

If ‘globose’ and ‘subglobose’ were merged, the merged State would retain the ‘Rare’ score for the Entity ‘Agaricus’.

The selection order of the States is also important. The last selected State is retained for label purposes, but as described above the State score data is derived from the merging rules.


There is no undo for associated with merging States. Make sure you backup your key prior to performing this action, if you have scored your key.

Change States to Features icon Change States to Features

Converts all selected States of a Feature back to Features. That is the parent Feature is converted from a Mulistate Feature back to a Grouping Feature. All States of the Feature need to be selected before this option becomes available in the sub menu.


There is no undo for associated with Changing States to Features. The score data associated with the States that are converted to Features will be lost. Ensure you have a back of your key prior to performing this action.

Filter Tree sub menu

Lucid Builder Feature tree context pop-up Filter Tree sub menu
Lucid Builder Feature tree context pop-up Filter Tree sub menu.

The options within the Filter Tree sub menu depend on what Feature Subsets have been created. All Feature Subsets will be listed as menu options. Each available Feature Subset can be toggled on or off by selecting or un-selecting the Subset within the menu. When a Feature Subset is toggled on, the Features scored for that Subset will be displayed, while non-scored Features for that Subset will be hidden. That is only Features that are scored in the selected Subsets will be displayed.


You can see that the Feature tree is filtered in the header section of the Features Panel, where (FILTERED) is added the Feature and State counts.

Lucid Builder Features panel filtered
Lucid Builder Features panel filtered.

Media sub menu

Lucid Builder Feature Tree context menu - Media Sub Menu.
Lucid Builder Feature Tree Context Menu – Media Sub Menu.

Attach HTML icon Attach HTML File

Allows the attachment of a HTML (or PDF) file present within your keys Media folder to the selected Feature or State.

Attach URL icon Attach HTML Url

Allows the attachment of a Url based resource (E.g. web page) to the selected Feature or State.

Attach Image icon Attach Image File

Allows the attachment of an image(s) to the selected Feature or State. Multiple image files can be attached via the file browse dialog by using Ctrl (individual selection) or the Shift key (block selection).

Export sub menu

Lucid Builder Feature Tree Context Menu - Export Sub Menu
Lucid Builder Feature Tree Context Menu – Export Sub Menu.

Export Media icon Export Media

Creates a Media List file containing references to all media associated with the selected Feature or State. The Media List file will be automatically saved to the same location as the key (I.e. Where the  .lk5 file is located). The file name is automatically generated based on the tree path to the Feature or State and will include the selected items label.

See Media File help topic for more information.

Export scores icon Export Scores

Creates a LIF3 file containing all the score information associated with the selected Feature and its States for all Entities. The Export Scores function can be initiated from the Feature or a State of the Feature. The LIF3 file will be automatically saved to the same location as the key (I.e. Where the  .lk5 file is located). The file name is automatically generated based on the tree path to the Feature or State and will include the selected items label.

See the LIF3 help topic for more information.