Lucid AI

Project Selector

The project selector located in the left hand menu allows you to select the AI project you wish to work on. If no AI project has been created, then a note about creating a project to get started is shown instead. As shown in the screen shot below.

Lucid AI Project selector - No projects available yet
Lucid AI Project selector – No projects available yet

When one or more projects are available the project selector will allow you to choose one to work with.
Lucid AI Project selector with one or more project available to select
Lucid AI Project selector with one or more project available to select

Below is a screen shot showing a selected project. Note the user status for the project is updated (under the username – blocked out) once the project has been selected. For example, you may have editor rights in one project, and read-only access in another.

Lucid AI Project selector showing an example project selected
Lucid AI Project selector showing an example project selected