Lucid supports import and export via a number of file formats:
Lucid Interchange Format (LIF) files are simple, text-based files that are used to import keys from the Lucid Builder Version 2.
Lucid Interchange Format version 3 (LIF3) files are XML-based files that can store all Lucid key data, allowing you to back up your key or to exchange it with other key developers.
Lucid XML Dataset (XML Dataset) files are XML-based files that can store all Lucid key data. The primary use is for uploading key data to the Lucid Key Server Player application.
CSV (Comma separated Value) files are text files with data items separated by commas. CSV files are used to import and export key data between the Lucid Builder and spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, or databases such as Microsoft Access.
Media List files are XML-based files that contain entities and their associated media.
Simple text files can be used to import and export the feature and entity trees.
Lucid Builder Data Import and Export options
LIF | Full key | YES | NO |
LIF3 | Full key | YES | YES |
XML Dataset | Full key | YES | YES |
CSV | Features, entities, score data | YES | YES |
Media List | Features and Entity media references | YES | YES |
Text | Features and Entities | YES | YES |
In addition, DELTA (Descriptive Language for Taxonomy) files can be imported into the Lucid Builder via LIF files created by the Lucid Translator, available from the Lucidcentral website. See the Lucidcentral topic Notes for DELTA Users for more information.
LIF (Lucid Interchange Format) Files
Keys exported as LIF files from the Lucid2 Builder can be imported into the Lucid3 Builder using LIF (Lucid Interchange Format) files. A LIF file is a simple text file with sections for the different data elements (feature and entity lists, multistate and numeric score data, and multimedia attachments).
Note: The LIF file includes references to the directories holding media (html and image files) for the original key. If you have moved the key after creating the LIF file, you may need to modify the path for each of the five media directories. Open the file in a standard text editor, search for “[..Multimedia Directories..]” and edit the media references, changing the path in each reference to an appropriate path for the folder that holds the media:
[..Multimedia Directories..]
Sounds “C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\Sounds\”
Images “C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\Images\”
Macros “C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\Macros\”
Text “C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\HTML\”
Video “C:\Program Files\Lucid\My key\Video\”
LIF3 (Lucid Interchange Format version 3) Files
LIF3 files are xml documents containing all the data (feature and entity lists, item properties, score data and media attachments) for a key. LIF3 files can be used to back up keys, and for easily transferring keys from one computer to another.
Note: The LIF3 file for a key does not contain the key’s media, only references to where the media can be found. Therefore if you need to transfer a LIF3 file to another computer you should also copy the key’s media directories
You can do this by opening the LIF3 file in a standard text editor, searching “for media base_path”, and editing the path name of the Media directory. For example:
should be changed to:
where new_computer’s_path is the full path name including drive letter of the Media directory on the new computer.
Lucid XML Dataset Files
XML Dataset files are xml documents containing all the data (feature and entity lists, item properties, score data and media attachment references) for a key. XML Dataset are primarily used as the data format for upload to the Lucid Key Server Player application.
See the Key deployment help topic for further information on key deployment options, including the Key Server Player application.
Note: A XML Dataset file for a key does not contain the key’s media, only references to where the media can be found. Therefore if you need to transfer a XML Dataset file to another computer you should also copy the key’s media directories.
CSV (Common Separated Value) Files
CSV files are text files that hold the basic data for the key (feature and entity lists and multistate and numeric score data), with one row per state, and entities and their scores separated by commas. CSV files can be opened in many spreadsheet and database programs such as Microsoft Excel and Access. If you have data in an Excel file or database, you may structure the file into a format compatible with the Lucid CSV format (see below) and export as a csv file for import into the Lucid3 Builder.
The structure of a CSV file compatible with the Lucid3 Builder can be represented as follows:
CSV structure
Entity 1 | Entity 2 | Entity 3 ...etc | |
State 1 | Score | Score | Score |
State 2 | Score | Score | Score |
State 3 ...etc | Score | Score | Score |
Importing/Exporting Data